FCYP COVID-19 Protocol


We want to provide you with information about what the Full Circle Yoga + Pilates team has done to keep our space clean and safe in response to the presence of COVID. Our goal is to not only provide to you the safest environment and cleanest studio experience possible, but also to help you make an educated decision on when and where you feel most confident rejoining your communal practice. Your safety & comfort are our highest priorities.

Improving the Superlative - A Breath of Fresh Air

Have your heard about our air? Yes, our AIR! During the mandated COVID closure, we took the opportunity to upgrade our already amazing air handling system to further ensure the safety and health of all those who walk through our doors. As yogis, we know that the breath is a vehicle for prana and our goal has always been to provide you with the cleanest and most hygienic studio experience available. Our existing clean & quiet Far InfraRed Heating system coupled with our advanced handling system was designed to provide an outstanding hot yoga experience . Though our existing system was unparalleled in our local area, we’ve taken several extra steps to improve our already unsurpassed system to rise to the demands of our “new normal”.

Where we started…

We’ve always offered:

  • non-ozone air scrubbers

  • CO2 mitigation

  • advanced air filtration

  • Controlled humidity

  • Clean & quiet Far InfraRed Heat (FIR)

How we’ve improved…

We’ve rebuilt our air handling system to operate in the same way as “negative pressure” air handling systems hospitals use. In addition to our existing system components, we’ve added:

  • Segregated trunk systems for full exchange of indoor air with outdoor air to completely eliminate the recirculation of airborne bacteria and other aerosolized particles.

  • HEPA filtration to filter particles down to 0.3 microns

  • Electrostatic particle capture system,

  • Additional duct-mounted UV lights to condition and sanitize fresh air

  • Designated furnace system to warm/cool fresh outdoor air before bringing that air into the studio to supplement our FIR Heat.

Modified Entry and Exit Procedures

Ask about the current class entry and exit procedures we are currently implementing to ensure clear flow into and out of the studio while maintaining safe social distancing protocol.

Deep Clean

We are taking additional steps to clean and sanitize our facilities, props, studio, etc. Feel free to ask us about our safety and sanitation measures as well as the hospital-grade products we use.

In-Studio Procedures


Please be mindful of your physical health and the physical health of those in your household.  We ask that everyone please perform the following self-check before coming to class. 


  • Are you currently experiencing fever (100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or higher) or a sense of having a fever?

  • Do you have a new cough that cannot be attributed to another health condition?

  • Have you noticed new shortness of breath that cannot be attributed to another health condition or medication?

  • Are you experiencing new chills that cannot be attributed to another health condition or medication?

  • Have you felt a new sore throat that cannot be attributed to another health condition?

  • Are you experiencing new muscle aches that cannot be attributed to another health condition, medication, or specific activity (such as physical exercise)?

Prior to Class

Please do not enter the building until 15 minutes prior to the scheduled class time.

  1. Enter through the main door and proceed to the front desk.

  2. We request that masks be worn prior to the start of class.

  3. Upon entering, collect your bin and towel(s) from the front desk.

  4. Proceed to the practice room and roll our your mat in your designated spot before removing your shoes and other items of clothing.  Place all personal belongings in the provided bin and set near your mat.

  5. Props will be handed out by the teacher.

  6. Bathrooms will be available as before.  Please bring your own toiletries for showering.

  7. Cubbies are temporarily unavailable for use.

PLEASE LEAVE CELL PHONES IN YOUR VEHICLE.  If you are expecting a call, please leave your phone at the front desk and we will make arrangement to notify you of the call.  NO CELL PHONES ARE ALLOWED IN THE PRACTICE ROOM.

After Class

Gather your belongings from your bin. Please redress and don your mask before exiting.

  1. Exit through left door.  If you left a phone at the front desk, please exit though the left door and reenter through the main entrance to collect your phone from the desk.

  2. Leave your bin and props in the designated areas.

  3. Please proceed immediately to you vehicle.

  4. Have a beautiful day.